深圳市全球锁安防系统工程有限公司(简称:全球锁)成立于2004年,总部设在深圳。经过六年努力,公司在全国建立了数万个区域联网商铺用户,拥有超过50家分公司,逐渐成为中国联网报警服务行业的领军企业。截至2010年上半年止,全球锁已经与江苏南通市政府、零售行业协会以及专业保安公司等进行成功合作。公司拥有中小型客户近3,000家,服务范围覆盖政府机构、保安行业、商铺、大宅别墅、制造企业、办公楼宇以及居民社区等领域;在综合安防管理、盗抢风险管理、综合安防索赔等方面拥有丰富的经验。Global lock was established in 2004 and headquartered in Shenzhen, P.R.China. After six years’ efforts, Global Lock has built tens of thousands of shop users with the regional alarming network with more than 50 branch offices for the present moment. The global lock has become the industry leader of internet alarm services gradually. Upto the first half of 2010, the global lock has set up the successful cooperation with Jiangsu Nantong Municipal Government, retail trade associations and professional security companies in China. Global Lock has nearly 3,000 small and medium sized users, and its service is covered government agencies, the security industry, shops, mansions, villas, manufacturers, office buildings and the local community and other fields; Global Lock working group have rich expericences at the integrated security management, robbery risk shelter and integrated security claims of property theft insurance.
深圳市全球锁安防系统工程有限公司是中国安防行业的顶尖品牌服务商和制造商。全球锁是《法制日报》法制战略联盟单位,中国太平洋保险公司战略合作伙伴;公司是中国唯一一家为商铺提供财产保险单的全国性电子看护服务商;也是中国唯一为店铺提供“技防-人防-保险”三防服务的公司。Shenzhen Global Lock Safety and Security System Engeneering Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Global Lock") is the - brand and manufacturer of .the security industry in China. Global lock is one of the legal strategic alliance units of"Legal Daily" and the strategic partners of China Pacific Insurance Company; Global Lock is the only commercial service provider who is providing the national e-security service and property insurance policy; it is the only three integrated services provider who is able to provide for the security related to "Technical Security - Patrol Watch - insurance coverage" for our retail private enterprises and other global users.
全球锁是一家集高科技安防系统研发、生产、施工、服务于一体的综合型安防服务运营商。“全球锁”GSM防盗器是根据全球锁独占的专利生产而成的电子防盗产品。“全球锁”GSM防盗系统是一款融GSM通讯、无线传感和控制技术于一体,集防盗、防火、防煤气泄露为一身的全无线型智能化报警系统。其独有的专利技术“手机无话费布撤防”彻底摈弃了传统概念防盗系统的设计缺陷:遥控器布/撤防易被解码、电话线怕被剪、键盘撤防进入延时期间主机易被破坏等。“全球锁” 防盗系统的无线探测器采用了国际上最先进的多位随机跳码技术,有效的避免了同类无线报警系统难以解决的重码、干扰以及误报、漏报等难题。
全球锁安防系统可以说是目前中国最安全的防盗系统。Global lock is one of the most reliable, efficient and comprehensive security service operators with one body of the high-tech security system development, production, construction and service. "Global Lock" GSM alarm system is an electronic security product which is based on an exclusive global lock patent technology. The "Global Lock" GSM alarm system is a full wireless-based intelligent alarm system which is in one body of communications, wireless sensing and control technology, and in one set of fire prevention and gas leaks as well. Its unique patented technology , that is "from no calling fee of charge by mobile phones for deploying and disarming", it has completely abandoned the traditional concept of security system design weakness: It is easily decoded to use the remote control for deployment / disarm; the telephone lines are easily cut and to use the keypad for deploy and enter the susceptible time to have the destruction of the host during the delay.. The wireless detector of "Global Lock" security system is used the most advanced technology of a number of random code hopping for effective wireless alarm system so as to avoid a similar code difficulties and solve the problems of interfere with, and misrepresentation, omission and other failures. Global locking security system is currently the most secure alarm system in China.
2006年,全球锁入选了首届CCTV《赢在中国》108将优秀项目,公司“技防-人防-保险”的服务体系创造中国先例。高科技的电子专利产品,5分钟之内赶到现场的出警保证,中国太平洋保险公司提供的保单,接受全球锁服务的客户没有任何后顾之忧。全球锁这种独特的服务模式不仅在中国具有巨大的市场发展空间,在全球范围内也具备强大的竞争力。In 2006, the global lock was -ed as one of the excellent companies by the first CCTV "Win in China" 108 projects. The security mode of "Technical Security - Patrol Watch - Insurance" in the security service system has created a precedent in China. Our global lock users who has no worry about anything with the patented high-tech electronic product, with a guarantee within 5 minutes the patrol guard reaching the scene and the theft insurance policies provided by China Pacific Insurance Company. This unique service model of Global lock has not only a huge market developing space in China , but also have a strong competitive edge for further development around the world as well.