安防知识网为法兰克福新时代传媒有限公司旗下简体中文网站。创建于2002年,拥有安防行业专业知识库,提供安防行业生产商、代理经销商、系统集成商、工程商及行业用户提供专业的安防讯息及全球最新的安防技术、安防产品、行业应用、解决方案。网站每年举办安防十大品牌,全球安防50强的评选活动而为业界认可。 是中国安防行业内最专业的门户网站。
Messe Frankfurt, one of the world’s leading trade fair organisers, has built up a global network comprising 28 subsidiaries, five branch offices and 52 foreign representatives on four continents. In 2007, the company organised 113 trade fairs and exhibitions around the world with 64,000 exhibitors and around 2.6 million visitors. Messe Frankfurt pursues a systematic strategy of globalisation that is also geared towards promoting and broadening the international scope of the trade fairs staged at its home base in Frankfurt.