GKB安全公司(以前GKB央视有限公司)是一个全球性的安全解决方案供应商,总部设在台湾台中。成立于1996年,作为总部设在桃园,台中,台湾的生产设施的监控硬件制造商GKB开始。 2007年 - 世界安全增加服务和新技术,改变面对安全和监控的需求 - 我们发起一个企业范围内的转型,转向我们的工作重点从硬件制造商的安全解决方案提供商,致力于发展实际的安全解决方案为中小型中型系统集成商和安装。在GKB,我们坚信,小型和中型系统的安全性项目应该有访问到相同的先进技术,大型安全项目的好处。今天,GKB的解决方案还采用了先进的硬件和软件集成,直观,易于使用的产品,所支持的所有一个友好,高效和响应GKB的服务团队。GKB安全解决方案,可以发现在操作中,银行,机场,和世界各地的博物馆。这些项目包括:国际银行在巴西,俄罗斯圣彼得堡博物馆,希腊国家博物馆,和黎巴嫩国际机场,仅举几例。我们经营的重点地区,包括亚洲和欧洲的海外分支机构,并在30个主要市场,我们的产品是由知识渊博的代理商和分销商提供。今天,GKB的产品和解决方案提供超过75个国家。
GKB Security Corporation (previously GKB CCTV Co., Ltd.) is a global
security solution provider based in Taichung, Taiwan.
Founded in 1996, GKB started as a surveillance hardware manufacturer with
manufacturing facilities based in Taoyuan and Taichung, Taiwan. In 2007 – with
the world's demand for security services increasing and new technologies
changing the face of security and surveillance – we initiated a corporate-wide
transformation that shifted our focus from hardware manufacturer to security
solution provider dedicated to developing practical security solutions for small
and medium-sized system integrators and installers.
At GKB, we strongly believe that small and medium-sized system security
projects should have access to the same advanced technology benefits found in
large-scale security projects. Today, GKB solutions feature the advanced
integration of hardware and software, and intuitive, easy-to-use products, all
supported by a friendly, efficient and responsive GKB service team.
GKB security solutions can be found in operation in banks, airports, and
museums around the world. Some of these projects include: the International Bank
in Brazil, the St. Petersburg Museum in Russia, the National Museum of Greece,
and the Lebanon International Airport, to name just a few. We operate overseas
branch offices in key regions, including Asia and Europe, and our products are
offered by knowledgeable agents and distributors in 30 major markets. Today, GKB
products and solutions are available in over 75 countries.