广州松本大佑光电技术有限公司是一家中外合资的国际综合性公司,专业制造高品质安防产品, 公司目前已经与国内、外多家著名企业形成了长期、友好的合作关系。 在光学镜头领域方面, 三洋(SAMYANG)品牌历史悠久,40多年的专业光学技术和产品设计经验, 在世界上享有盛名!先进的设备和管理以及尖端的技术,产品全部通过各种认证体系. 松本大佑不断推出引导国际市场的高品质产品,如百万像素镜头, 泛焦镜头, IP网络摄像机镜头, 红外矫正镜头、日夜两用型镜头、自动光圈镜头、定/变焦镜头、球面和非球面镜头等等;其产品具有高光学性能、体积小、角度宽、性价比高, 图像清晰等优点!全部产品都通过了QCB 的ISO14001和9001, ROHS , SGS, CE等认证。 在市场方面,我们的产品出口到世界各地,年均销售额居行业前列; 我们以超群的品质和优越的售后技术支持和服务,赢得同行业及客户的一致好评! 随着中国经济的高速增长,安防行业对高、中档镜头的急剧需求,我司凭借着雄厚的资金实力、丰富的市场资源和国际各大知名企业强强联手,齐心协力为国内顾客提供相适应的高品质产品与优质服务。 “团队精神、热情、高效率”是我们的企业文化; “开拓创新、高品质、无不良品”是我们不懈的追求; “客利为重、信誉第一、诚信至上、服务一流”是我们的经营宗旨; 时值盛世华年,展望未来,信心百倍,我们诚意相邀,愿在互利互惠的基础上,与新老客户一道携手并进,共创辉煌! Samyang Optics is committed to providing excellence in customer service, design, and manufacturing in a rapidly changing technological market and to ensuring the highest standards that are maintained from the research, development and production teams and have gained a superb reputation in the industry for our efforts. SAMYANG has a long history of the brand, 40 years of professional optical technology and experience product design. In the field of optical lens, Samyang Optics has built a manufacturing system based on innovative, high performing, and high quality CCTV lenses. such as Megapixel camera lens, Pan-focus lens, IP camera lens, IR camera lens, IR cut lens, CS mount and board mount lens, DC/Fixed / zoom lens, spherical and aspherical lenses; All product passed QCB ISO 14001 certification and ROHS, SGS, CE certification ect. By merging with SEIKOU, the specialized optical manufacturer in Japan which has advanced optical capabilities, we provide a TOTAL SECURITY SOLUTION on the basis of Korean and Japanese know-how and innovation to meet the rapid demand in the high quality lens for the high-security industry!